My adulterated love

Monday, June 15, 2020

Seven dials and two stones away
I had stored my love on dew drops.
But with the morning the next day
Drizzling and dancing came the rain
to take away the magnificence
mixing up with my dews.
And still today
I am searching every lake
Every river, stream and sea
to find that love within me.
It seems the drops have been fed
To someone else's flower bed
Or perhaps it still runs through
the vein of sapling somewhere.
Maybe, evaporated to form a cloud
and poured down somewhere else
Or maybe it's still there somewhere
amidst the mist I inhale.
These days I do wonder though
With all these shapes and forms;
the possibilities and contingencies
I may not even recognize it
If I ever came across
my adulterated love
ruined by the rain.