
Monday, June 15, 2020

I found a girl standing alone
At night, in the rain,
Drenched; shivering
Yet she had a ethereal smile of some sort.
"I am weaving the drizzles in such a way",
She smiled,
"That it sates me and my desire.
It touches every inch of my skin
And I feel fulfilled.
Have you ever felt?
Subtle caress of breeze
that makes you shiver within
With the feeling of entirety?
Like you know you are alive
Like you know you are breathing
As you feel the fingertips
Peel away your facades
And dissolve it
In the puddle that forms under your feet?
Have you ever felt naked
to the careful ministration
Of the subsumed whispers
As the thunders roar above while
The night swishes around you?"
As she addressed it to me
I stood there flummoxed
Staring at her and then
Up above the sky.
As the clouds rumbled
With a thunder strike
She vanished
Leaving me behind
With the puddle she talked of.