I wonder

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sometimes I wonder
What would it be like
to fall off the the cloud
as sparkling drops
to meet the earth, kiss
Uh-oh and you;
melt away
and be remembered
for the freshness afterwards.

Sometimes I wonder
what would it be like
to be the thunder that strikes your soul
Ignite your heart, the spark
Uh-oh not like the burned down tree
more like the silver strands
amidst the violet clouds.
More like a beautiful dream.

Sometimes I wonder
what would it be like
to touch you
akin to the first ray of sun
rising up from horizon
steadily warming you up
with the zeal for the new day
new hope
and looking forward to the new end.

And often I wonder
what would it be like
to be synonymous to the air you breathe.
A constant,
A necessity.
Sometimes a soothing breeze
and at times the storm
that blows you away
to the wonderland of affection.

Here I am knitting the dreams
wandering through the hopeless waves.
And there you are, engaging much
Reeling me in yet out of my clutch.