
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Do you know what is beautiful?
Despite the chain-marks and the numbness on the limbs,  the ability to smell the fresh air and smile standing at the sun-kissed meadow, raising the arms up towards the sky and relishing the sense of liberation.
Do you know what is serene?
Despite the constant bickering and nagging dogmas, the ability to take them all,  void of all the stereotypes and perceive the real picture and embrace the true meaning,  which wouldn't require any sorts of confirmation.
Do you know what is blindingly stunning?
Despite the dark path one has to navigate through, the ability to find the right way and not get lost midway,  eventually reach the light and join others to embark upon a joyous journey of serendipity and emancipation.
We all are broken ones,  we don't have to be broken souls.
We don't have to remain scattered for others to pick us up,  we shouldn't need a chaperone.
Despite being withered down,  we don't have to be forlorn
And despite the tell-tale scars,  we all are beautiful on our own.
©srijaprasita May 1 2020