What is life?

Thursday, April 25, 2019

would I be able to locate the summer musings within the winter air?
or would I remain stagnant within my procreated sphere?
unhinged subconsciousness questions my ability
while normative nonchalance urges me to ask what exactly is life?

is it the first burst of germination that we see
or the first cry of the new born child?
is it what comes afterwards?
malinged thoughts and aspirations that runs wild.
is it the serene smile that the eyes reflect
with the web of manufactured lies?
is it the reverred watch over the conveniently inconvenient ties?

sometimes it's awe, sometimes it's wonder
sometimes it's definitely indefinite ponder
sometimes it's a detached search for truth
sometimes it's unruly acceptance of fallacies
sometimes it's a heavy burden upon your shoulders
sometimes it's unwinding fantasies.
what exactly is life???

© srijaprasita 14.08.2018 7:54 pm