
Thursday, May 14, 2020

On a casual stroll over the neighborhood
I came across a child who was shedding some loud tears over a broken toy.  She looked over with bleak eyes, pointed towards her doll and said that her beloved child had left her and she feels so alone. I stared at her blankly and replied : child there would come a day when people will leave you one by one and most of the situation would be inevitable. Some would quote your narcissistic approach while some would simply get bored to tears.  Some would play it along for pleasure for a limited period of time while some would haunt you around even when you wouldn't want them to. You would be freezed some days under the ice cold lake that would look so serene outside.  The frozen heart,  even thawed would remain as blue as ever. Some days you would have to bear the blistering heat without passing breeze by your side.  You would have thousands of thoughts but not a single productive one and the nudging hands would be missing some days. Some days amidst the laughter you would see the gleamless eyes and amidst the tears some cynic smiles. There would come a day child you would realise that this bleakness was for nothing as   this would be your daily life.
I saw I was able to stop her tears but she was looking at me as if I were some kind of monster that was passing by.
©srijaprasita March 1 2020