Thoughts of mine

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Oh silenced thoughts of mine
zig zag in its own ways
sways within the four walls
then coops up at a corner with
blinders closed, as the night falls
burned by the dreams.

Oh silenced thoughts of mine
that weaves the dream of romance
every chance it gets,  submerged
in consciousness,  yet hesitates
finally in a poem, to emerge
and not speech.

Oh silenced thoughts of mine
standing at a distance
persistent in periphery.
Would you rather not stay hush
beat around the bush,  very
unlike what I want?

Oh silenced thoughts of mine
would you rather cross the road?
abode is what you need,
to heed the stringed beads of dreams.
Off, you get off my head,  lead
the way out. Will you?

Oh silenced thoughts of mine
would you shout out loud
proud, someday,  but surely
polishing away the dust gathered
around your guts, blurry
vision kept aside?

Oh silenced thoughts of mine
it's another day,  nightmare has passed.
Doors has opened.
So has feelings it seems
You aren't caged. You aren't sore.
Would you not remain silent anymore?